Statements from President Crow

Statement from ASU President Michael M. Crow on community values and resilience

February 10, 2020

The ASU community values and takes pride in our commitment to inclusivity. That commitment is reflected in those who enroll at ASU and in the success they enjoy as a result of the experience.
This commitment also comes with the responsibility of sustaining a safe, healthful, resilient community, one that encourages individual achievement while embracing and celebrating the success of the collective. 
A safe, healthful environment creates the necessary conditions through which individuals excel, and it's vital that these conditions be maintained.
External forces or complex environmental elements can at times present a threat to even the most resilient community.
The local impact of a global health concern is a present test to the healthfulness of the ASU community.
And though the actual physical health risks are low, the environmental impact is greater.
Although we have been diligent about and vigilant in the dissemination of timely, factual information to ensure the well-being of the community, a formidable, persistent challenge is the broad interpretation of information that emanates from many channels. 
As a caring community, we want to diminish the impact of misinformation and reduce the anxiety, fear and trepidation that accompany it. Uninformed and at times emotional reactions work against the values of community and, at their worst, can quickly become harmful.
Each member of the ASU community has equal value, and moments of stress or distress should present as an opportunity to demonstrate more support, greater concern, deeper interest in and respect for one another — not the inverse.
Public health concerns, intellectual debates and policy discussions serve as fundamental reminders of our interdependency. We are all in it together. And we are better, individually and collectively, because of that. 
As we advance through the semester, working through complex social concerns and public issues of import, let us continue to be empathetic, respectful, thoughtful and kind.
These are conditions under which we may all succeed, and I look forward to working with you in the process of making this our continuing reality.